
By dunkyc

Weekend End

It was the perfect end to the perfect weekend.

Family were with us for a good part of Sunday and gave us a much needed shot in the arm. A lazy walk into town was had, our special day was relived once more and discussions were had over future projects, ideas and hopes.

On our return from town the family packed up their remaining bits and pieces before they returned home - the last ones to leave. It really was over.

The day has been lovely and mild and we were also on the receiving end of some fine weather, so I cut the lawn and the watchful gaze of my WIFE and son - he doesn't like the noise of the lawnmower. They came down into the garden and we spent the next forty-five minutes walking him up and down the path in the little car you see pictured here (another of my mums world-famous boot sale bargains - think this was the princely sum of £3!!).

We sipped wine in the sunshine all the while trundling m'boy up and down the path, as he giggled and laughed and did a little bum-shuffle when we foolishly paused for the briefest of moments.

I shortly intend to take a valuable lesson from m'boy and that is to take time to stop and smell the flowers.

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