Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Last flight

Today was my last day flying from Topcliffe. Topcliffe was a WW2 airfield and has such a rich history. It resonates with the past – all the old hangars are still in use, and we work from the base of the WW2 tower. The runways are long enough to take WW2 bombers, and as I turn in on finals to Runway 03, I often imagine what it must have felt like to nurse one’s shot up bomber back to the safety of home after a harrowing mission over Germany. What looks like a long runway to a helicopter pilot must have looked pretty short to a bomber pilot nursing his shot up aircraft back to the ground!

I started my YAA career here. And this photo was taken at the end of my last flight from this wonderful place, as I will be leaving the Air Ambulance unit at the end of April and I won’t fly from Topcliffe again. I have had a wonderful day, doing some great flying with a really good crew. It’s been all one could hope for and more – just a great day’s flying.

I have mixed feelings about going. I am leaving to fly for another company in order to improve my work/life balance, but I know I will miss working with such a talented and mission-orientated group of people, many of whom have become close friends. I shall miss the banter and the fun – I feel as though they are all my carers now as I approach my dotage!

But there is an end to every season, and new challenges beckon. And I am not finished yet! Two months to go. There’s still time for some fantastic days with this great team.

I am a fortunate man indeed.

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