Hung Up

After the fourth sleepless night in a row, my energy levels were around zero today. And just when I wanted to go for a short walk in the afternoon, it started to rain.

So I started sorting out my wardrobe instead. I need to get rid of a lot of clothes that don’t fit me anymore after I lost some weight (and I don’t ever want to ‚grow back‘ into them, so they need to go). 

Most of my silver jewelry lived in the wardrobe as well, in a box that had become so chaotic that I didn’t find anything in it anymore. A few weeks ago, I had the idea to crochet this hanger (with lots of loops for the rings and earrings) for the pieces I like best, and stopped wearing because I couldn’t bother digging them out of the box. 

Now I can see them all, and the amount of them made me promise myself never to buy any more…

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