Snack Time

This beautiful grasshopper landed in the kitchen today. 
It reminded me of a trip into Tzaneen last week when we saw ladies brushing the long grass beside the roads with a makeshift grass brush and a butterfly type net.  Further down the road were youngsters with bags of whatever, holding them up for sale. I could not see what they were selling - maybe nuts?
On enquiring from sister, it seems the beating grass gets the hoppers hopping; they get caught in the nets and then transferred when dried to bags to sell for snacks/supper.  Yummmmmm.
Seems a shame when we see these beauties but they are full of protein and I guess in the future might be eaten / mass produced to feed the ever over populating world.

PS.  I carefully put him back outside to enjoy the cool morning air.  Another dull, grey day - but no rain so far.

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