
Missed my first 2 days of Blips during the last two days, no chance of even back blipping either.
Had a visit to the Westmorland General Hospital at Kendal on Saturday for a normal routine examination procedure which went horribly wrong, resulting in considerable pain and suffering and my being kept in overnight, totally unexpectedly.
I must take the opportunity to thank the wonderful nursing and clinical staff for their remarkable work in minimising my trouble. I expected to drive home of course and instead was given a room to myself, fed the most incredibly delicious food I've ever had in any hospital stay in my life and all in all could not have received better attention if I were royalty. Nothing like the doom and gloom which I do know exists for many people we read about in the media. I cannot heap enough praise on the staff for the attention I received, they were brilliant! :)

So this today's Blip of a glowing Japonica is dedicated to them, should any member of the hospital staff be a Blipper, or drop in by chance:)

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