
The Retable has gone back on display. It fits beautifully on the chimney breast, but for the life of me I can’t see how the story fits here in this room, with  a 1920s set dressing of dinner.
For anyone interested……

The Battel Hall Retable (c.1375–1410) from Leeds 
Castle, Kent, is one of only a handful of English 
altarpieces to have survived from the medieval 
period. The simple rectangular oak 
panel is still held within its original engaged frame 
and depicts an image of the Virgin and Child at 
the centre, flanked by saints, set against a bright 
red background powdered with gilded stencil pat￾terns: (from left to right) St Dominic, St Agatha, St 
Catherine of Alexandria, the Virgin and Child, St 
Margaret of Antioch, St Mary Magdalene and St 
Catherine of Siena. 

I didn’t sleep well last night and have been tired all day. Hoping for a better night tonight. 

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