
By Annieone

Just The One....!!

So far, the only open blossom on my has some more buds and is growing well but the flowers have been very poor every year...some more will open but then just fall off and some of the buds are already ‘rotted’ and falling before they are anywhere near opening...not sure if there’s anything I can do with it..!!?
I think you may be able to see the sunshine on we had a bright sunny day today...oh the difference it makes to your mood...!
A friend sent me a Pattern in the post today ....and I think I may just have the wool to make it in my stash....!!! Will Blip when I get it sorted...I can’t wait to make it.....:)

7th March....Quote....

Get Interested In Other People.....

And another quote on today’s page that I rather liked...
Forgiveness is a Funny Thing..
It Warms the Heart and Cools the Sting....!!!

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