Stellar Jays

These two have become addicted to the suet. The one on the feeder has mastered perching on the feeder and hanging upside down. The one on the end of the branch launches himself at the feeder flapping wildly bin hopes of grabbing a beak full before falling to the ground. Then he turns around and flies straight back up to the end of the branch to start the whole process over again. In the meantime, the other one never stops. Between the two of them, they can take down a suet cake in a day.

I got some better pictures of them except for the background of the big rock and dirt pile covered with a black tarp belonging to the rockpile house next door. I'm getting really sick of looking at it but I don't suppose it is a major priority for them since they still don't have front stairs to the house and are still living in a trailer. I can only hope that they do move it eventually since it is on anther neighbor's property, not theirs.

We were wondering if they would ever do it, but the tree company hired by PG&E arrived late this afternoon and began cutting down the dead tree at the bottom of our lawn. They are down there with a large and a small cherry picker, and from the sound of the chainsaw duet, they are using both of them at once. We've seen many a tree cutting operation around here since the fire, and we're just happy that we're not having to pay for this one. I took a picture from the top of our driveway and put it in extras. 

Several projects I had lined up have stalled out for one reason or another. I  ordered and paid for a quilt kit back in November, due to be shipped in January. It still hasn't arrived, and I'm quickly losing interest in the whole. thing. I got out the quilt I got back from the quilter in January and put the binding on it. I have given up on the knitting project having started over on it twice. I'm still trying to decide of the third time is a charm or if I will just abandon it.

Does anybody else have trouble sleeping on the night of a full moon? I slept badly last night, woke up tired this morning and have done very little all day (after Pilates on the freezing cold floor of the office this morning).I noticed when I was making a haircut appointment that last night was the full moon. I feel like I've been biding my time until I can go to bed and try again tonight.

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