
By lesmark

The pier..

…at Puerto Natales looks like it has had a bit of a shake or two over the years. We will get a ferry from here later this afternoon to take us through the southernmost fjords of Patagonia to Puerto Yungay. This will take some 40 hours or so. In Puerto Yungay we drive on to the road known as the Carretera Austral and into the park simply known as Parque Patagonia. We are heading to the Chacabuco Valley. That is the plan. We know to be flexible too in our experience of the best made plans! 

Puerto Natales has been a delight, with friendly and helpful people who cherish the beauty of their surroundings. 

The extra is another lovely old pier where there are delightful benches to sit on, although the pending rain and fierce winds this morning are a deterrent.

Sending this blip off as we say goodbye to our last wi-fi cafe for a while. I love how Puerto Natales does not have Starbucks, Costa, MacDonalds, Pizza Hut etc… It’s so refreshing to just see local hospitality and enjoy Patagonian cuisine. 

Abrazos til … maybe next week. And happy International Women’s Day!

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