From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

I dont want it....would you like to buy it?

Today has been a success I think! The car groaned under all its extra weight this morning; the inside jam packed and the roof rack strapped and secured. Managed to ward off those desperate to buy before the goods were even unloaded, and up and selling by 6.45 am....!!! Pretty full on until about 1pm. And the car felt decidedly foot loose and fancy free on the drive home. Any left overs ready for recycling at the local tip!

I took a short walk to browse other stalls during the morning. These sales are BIG business now and the preferred activity for many on a Sunday morning. Not mine I have to say.

A short rest, a shower then up to the Royal Festival Hall with my sister to meet friends for an evening with The Mavericks! Great fun and very noisy with lots of joining in! (My feet are aching!) A l o n g journey home due to delays and shuttle trains, and a very late night. Sleep sounds blissful.

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