
By weewilkie

Ukrainian abstract

We have had a large amount of Ukrainian refugee children at our school since last September. They were all “housed” in a liner docked near the school.
It has been a real challenge making them feel part of the school while all the time they wonder about returning home. They thought they would leave home for -at most- a year. Well, the anniversary on the 28th passed and there seems to be no end in sight.
Now they need to leave the liner because it is going back into service as of April. That’s over 1200 people needing to find accommodation.
So, slowly the children are having to leave the school as they are rehoused in places like Aberdeen and Erskine.
Just as they’re settling into school life they are uprooted again. It is heartbreaking, some families are even taking a chance and returning to Ukraine. I am witness to such resilience in these children. I only wish them safety and security and some semblance of stabilty for the future.

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