Work & Pleasure at sea

my windscreen saga ended today when I took my car in to the dealer for the electronics to be calibrated which they did without fuss.

While waiting I took a trip to the port in the loaned car and had a walk along the wharf where the work boats live and Perseverance took my eye as it shows a tidy cared for boat that looks to work hard. While on the other hand when heading round to the Lay up wharves I saw the little cabin cruiser making its way in and considering I overheard one trawler skipper say "I didn't stay out there long this morning" I assume it was a little lumpy so I hope the little boat hadn't come far. I was pleased to include the old lighthouse.

My medical event of yesterday was just routine precautionary exploration where the prep is worse than the event! Enough said!!

Monarch number 44 was released today and we have now witnessed the transformation from a hanging caterpillar to a chrysalis twice in a few hours and it looks very traumatic and happens quite fast.

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