Take off

Always nice to have a little bit of drama on take-off, in this case de-icing the wings as we left a freezing cold, but brightly sunny Glasgow and headed for the milder, grey, slushier South.  

The morning was in the production office, the one with the amazing view where we had a tough budget talk. 82% of the show is being shot on our two sets and they are big and expensive to light but the cost is endless elsewhere.  In positive news we finally have credible offers out on leads so hope we might actually have someone to shoot on!  IN UNDER A MONTH. 

Arrived home to an empty house with a frantically happy dog and had a calm time waiting for V to come home from teaching.  Talked to our writer about some notes that are troubling him before dinner.   A peaceful evening watching Unforgotten as we didn’t feel we had the moral energy for another Last of Us,  and then unpacking and doing some late emails. 

Happy International Women’s Day! A lot of female power in TV production I thought as I looked round the office. 

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