Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A light catcher and books.

The Feast Day of Saint Frances of Rome.
The snow has been kind to us here in Rishton. It has been falling gently and not sticking, except some has lightly coated some roofs.
It has been very cold with mostly an overcast sky here above our street.
I pity anyone who has no indoor warmth nor place to go for some human kindness, eg a warm hub, ours is the library which people campaigned to stay open and useful to our small town.
I have watched godtv, preachers teaching from The Holy Bible in a joyful, lively manner, who have a calling to save souls, pray for Israel and ask God for revival worldwide to do the Great Commission and love God and His son Jesus. I said one Rosary, watched online Holy Mass. I had my lunch away from the dust caused by Paul taking old wood chip wallpaper from the stairway wall. It is an unpleasant dusty task. He has been out to B&Q to purchase a stairs ladder because a loft ladder would not work for this Everest of a decorating job!
I clear up the wallpaper and try not to breath the dust.
This afternoon is a little lighter in the sky .
Happy for that.
Keep safe and warm. Thank you for visiting my site this Thursday.

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