Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Art homework

A while back I blipped about my art class and how our tutor is allowing each one of her students in turn to ‘run the show’.

Well fellow student (French guy) has given us the word APPLE to work with and to produce artwork around any aspect of this word. This blip here might remind you

Anyway I found this exercise to be so beneficial in expanding my mind to look beyond the obvious.

So on Saturday I will be submitting this tiny canvas and it’s of the black American artist Horace Pippin. Please see his most interesting bio here and if you scroll down you will see his self portrait which I have tried to replicate in miniature.

When in the military, he lost the use of one of his arms, but still continued to paint. His life was not easy but still he was able to express himself through his art and he persisted against the odds.

I feel he is similar to Rousseau in that he had to persist in his self belief as an artist and his work has a similar naïveté to it.

I am delighted I found him and I hope I did him some justice. I will be submitting this on Friday by 8pm for our professeur to study and we will gather as a class on Saturday to talk about our work. Such fun, really.

Here is a brief look at apples in art through the ages….


This evening I have been invited to a music soirée in Bray held by a lady who attended Poetry Circle last Sunday. I don’t know her well but at the end of the session, she invited me this evening. She said it was a get together of local musicians. It should be fun.

I have added an extra of my painting showing it in a true miniature fashion.

I have spent a rainy miserable day in Dublin doing art, reading and researching Mr. Pippin and generally dossing around the house. I hope you all have found time to go on the doss even for a small portion of the day.


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