Night night

For our last night we decided to have dinner out at the Lakeside Inn. A really nice place with good burgers and puddings!

Another busy day. Kara did her ‘mini treks’ in the morning. A low down Go Ape style course for little ‘uns. She loved it and was the last one off, of course. She just kept wanting to go around and around multiple times.

Afternoon we went swimming again. Kara’s really gotten her confidence in floating and bobbing about in this big pool.

Of course we have lots of family pictures to treasure but as I don’t share pictures of Kara face on public social media you’ll have to make do with this ‘alternative’ option.

Back home tomorrow. I know Inverurie has had plenty of snow while we’ve been away and I doubt it’s melted much. We had a few sprinkles this evening that look to continue into the night but hopefully the drive back shouldn’t be too bad.

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