Rip Greg

Today I found out that the lovely Greg Barker has passed away after a battle with cancer. He was a sweet and gentle Canadian living in Wales with his family. He came to our house and spent a couple of days with me filming after helping me put together, some educational courses on songwriting and performance for a company called Singdaptive. I really don’t think I could’ve done it without him. He was so positive and supportive in such a quiet and gentle and loving way, such a special man who left a great impression on me, even though we didn’t spend very much time together.
These photos were taken just before the pandemic started.
Seize the day!

I’ve had physio today, I’ve had quite a bit of pain in my foot, and I was reassured by the advice that the physiotherapist gave me, basically I shouldn’t be doing anything that hurts and actually some of the physio I’ve been doing has been hurting so I will stop forcing it, she also said that Bones take at least six weeks to heal and I’m only four weeks in so I just need to be patient.

Spent a lot of time on the computer sorting out various travel arrangements, I’m going to Spain later this month so I need to organise assistance at the airports, I am using two different airlines so I needed to contact them both. Admin kind of day.

Massive leak from our bathroom pouring through the ceiling into our hall this evening, plumber coming over tomorrow, the perils of being a homeowner…

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