
By bandparent


You can find artsy sculptures almost anywhere in Albuquerque. This example stands next to a busy highway near the northside of the city.

Today is National Meatball Day!  Meatballs are made by taking ground or minced meat such as beef, pork, or lamb, mixing it with spices, breadcrumbs, eggs, or other ingredients, and then rolling it into a ball to be cooked.  Cooking methods vary and include frying, braising, or baking.

This delicious invention has been documented in culinary records many times throughout history. There’s a record of a Chinese recipe that may date back to 221 BC, and Ancient Rome can also make a claim on meatballs thanks to a surviving cookbook that holds a variety of recipes with balls of meat!

Meatballs have also long been a staple of Persian cuisine, from which the technique of ‘gilding’ (coating or glazing the meatballs) originated. Known as kofta, they are consumed across the Middle East and Asia, with vegetarian versions particularly common in India. There is also a very popular version in Turkey called köfte, which has many variations.

Although meatballs originated in the East and Europe, they eventually made their way to the US and are now well-loved there.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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