POG's Journal


Good and Bad News…

Hi Everyone,

Well, there was mega traffic on the way to the hospital, just as well I had planned to be there an hour early… I had to drive a bit like James Hunt some of the time (No rhyming slang today – lol).

The meeting went well, and the good news is I am fit for surgery, however they did not give me a date for it… but it was suggested it would be weeks rather then months so my logic is the it must be within the next 4 to 5 weeks otherwise it would be a month… I must say I was desperate to come away with a date, even if it was with one of the nurses it would have been some consolation – lol. 

The plan is still to operate first thing in the morning, walking by lunchtime and home in the evening. Anyway more time to loss weight, ride the bike and do stuff in the workshop.

Nothing else to report.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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