Meeting David

Another early morning .....
Aim to be at David'd girlfriends place in Dowanhill between 8:30 and 9 am ...

Way before my operation hours!
I was challenged as my phone decided not to connect to mobile data whilst I was on my way by foot!!

I knew the address and roughly the direction ..... but walked wrong!

I had to go old school and ask people for the way ....
When have you last done that?
I think the 2 school girls I asked have never experienced some one asking for the way.
The looked at me in disbelief - especially because I have my - not functioning  - phone in my hand.

After a few detours I finally arrived- 9am sharp!

Rosemary has one of the most stunning places I have ever seen in this converted convent and school. With incredible views over Glasgow.
I was so in awe.

We had a lovely meeting and once Rosemary was gone to work David and I spent another few hours chatting and planning.

I left much later than expected and was home only after 2 pm.

I managed to get some more work done before crashing on the couch.

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