The Name of the Day?


Mea culpa...I ate and bought more than I really should have!  

Our book club was next door at Elaine's this morning and she who does not have an ounce of fat upon her, provided the rest of us with calories!  But they were SUCH yummy calories.....

Followed by a trip to the mall to my favourite outdoor store to return a pair of cargo pants I had ordered online but that were WAY too big. (that, however was before the book club treats..hmmm) 

It was like one of those Thrift Store stories that probably happen to others as well as to me... You know ... like when you clear out some stuff, take it to the thrift store,  find other fun things, and end up bringing home more than you took in? Well so it was with the pants...I took in one pair and came home with three and a jacket! 

Having done that, I decided it would be best to go home and not go shopping for a camera case as I had planned.....heaven only knows what all I would bring home from a camera store! 

So, it was a day of indulgence that will require some self discipline to develop before I go near another retail outlet! 

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