A day in the life

By Shelling


"I almost cut my hair", a song by David Crosby, who died recently, was one of my youths heroes. The song always pops up when I'm sitting in the hairdressers chair, feeling like I'm betraying my generation.
I did cut it today though, there's not a right lot left of what there once was and what is left no longer signals revolt and protest, it's more in the way and makes me feel like someone who can't quite be trusted in the presence of other humans. I like it when it's short and carefree, especially now, when the winds of spring are blowing. A new feature of going to the hairdresser is that they offer a hair-wash with an extra fifteen minute massage of the scalp. I might go for that offer every time from now on, it's wonderfully relaxing. Research says people who live on their own and don't get touched as much by other humans, live a shorter life. I completely believe that and gladly pay extra money to experience some gentle, loving attention to my scalp and live a few months longer.

The Sage outside my veranda seems to go through winter untouched by the climate. I still use it in cooking and it looks strong and healthy, it would actually need a trim later on in the spring. Maybe even a massage.

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