
A much better day today.  Took hound for a sunny walk after breakfast. He met Ross the whippet, both pleased to see each other.

Second walk in sunshine after lunch.  Spotted the three wheeler which is a rarity these days and never seen a blue version before.

Home to prepare oven roasted cauliflower, vegetables and halloumi for dinner.  Tgen catch up with reading.

BBC what do you think you're doing!?  Social media indicates that many are opting out of the licence fee.   Turns out Fiona Bruce's hubby does publicity work for the tories and she's a patron of Refuge, domestic abuse charity and they're not happy about her statement that Stanley Johnson only broke his wife's nose once, when domestic abuse isn't a one off.

And Richard Sharp, BBC chair is a tory donor.  How's that for impartiality!  

There are some hilarious memes being generated.  Still it is cheering to see that there are decent people calling out the unsavoury practices of this government.  Truth clearly hurts the hypocrites. 

Pleasant evening everyone. 

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