
By DancingAly

Out Out

A really fun night out with the 'moles'... our little group from school. 

It's been such a long week, it felt as though it was nine days long somehow, instead of 5. It was horribly wet and miserable first thing, as I scrambled around trying to be ready for a blood test at 8:30am. Predictably I was late, but luckily they did it anyway. It took twenty minutes to get to school, and the traffic was awful. 

As the day wore on, it dried out, and the sun came out, which made the idea of going out tonight a little bit more enjoyable. As soon as school let out, I went to mum's to see Little B and her, got ready, and then headed home so that I'd be ready for my friend Lucy to pick me up.

We left at 6pm, and had such a lovely evening, just the four of us. I've not been out in W before, and it was really nice. Lots of laughter, lots to drink, and home by midnight. Very tired but it reminded me about making a little bit more time for fun ;-) 

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