The sign is a little silly

Because, really, all the forests around here are deciduous. 

I went on the hike. I had a long and nice conversation with an introvert who said he'd take an hour nap afterwards to recover from the social contact. We had moments of sunshine but no moments of rain and hopefully I'll luck out tomorrow too because I'm going to go walk in Baltimore. 

A Ukrainian lawmaker introduced legislation that would give partnership rights to same-sex couples. This would have been UNTHINKABLE a year ago. In December, out of nowhere, legislation was adopted that prohibits anti-LGBTI+ language. Putin has been trying to weaponize homophobia - they invaded Ukraine because it has been taken over by satanist gay people - and Ukraine is rejecting it. Ukraine has more out soldiers than ever before. They have a social media group and more people in Ukraine know about them than ever before. The Ukrainian news media has been covering them in a positive light. Dozens of Ukrainian LGBTI orgs have become humanitarian orgs. Public opinion is rapidly changing to be more tolerant. 
I mentioned before that LGBTI soldiers have a unicorn insignia. I so wish someone would put that for sale. 
So, thanks Putin. 
To help Ukrainian pets, bordering countries relaxed their normally strict quarantine protocols. 
Maxim and Tanya run an animal shelter on the outskirts of Odesa, in southern Ukraine. On an old farm the shelter takes care of over 150 dogs, 27 goats and 14 cats. An article by Yahoo provides two orgs to donate to:

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