And Now for Some Neon

When I saw the sign up for carport sales at the Seabreeze Mobile Home Park, I knew I just had to find Mike. We visited his garage 2 years ago, and what a garage it is.

I'm going to estimate that he has 90-100 different neon signs, mostly of beer companies. If you ask nicely, he turns them all on for you.

Besides his signs, he also collects old gas pumps. He said at one time he had 50, but now his pump collection is down to about 10. 

It was hard to get a lot in the frame, but it certainly is colorful.

In the Extras is a shot of his carport, and Mike made the Mike sign. Pretty impressive.

Other than Mile's place, it was a lackluster garage sale day. At one of the mobile home parks, you just do drive-bys. At one "sale" there was a TV tray set up with a toaster and a sauce pan. 2 TRHINGS! C'MON PEOPLE!

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