One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Code J.A.

- Oh shit! Oh f***! Oh holy bollix! Girls, we have a situation. Everyone to their battle station, WE HAVE A CODE J.A.!!! 
- Oh, for f*** sake, not another one. Not so soon. We've barely restocked on the Kleenex after all the wild crying during last week's Code J.A. What on earth is wrong with them? I am most definitely not handling this one, my right ear was ringing for 2 days from all the wailing in despair. 
- We'll let Katarzyna handling this one. She's new. She has to prove her worth on the battle field. Also, I am quite sure that she doesn't know what a Code J.A. is... 
- Erm, Katarzyna, are you free darling? Fan-fucken-tastic. There's a young woman here who's just walked in and shown a photograph of Jennifer Aniston to the receptionist. She wants her hair cut like Jennifer Aniston's in the 6th series of Friends? What? You didn't have Friends in Poland in the 90s?! Well, they are rerunning it on Netflix and all the teenage girls love it. They all want to look like J.A. Just like their mothers did in the 90s. So, you are going to give her the transformative haircut of a lifetime, and in 45 minutes she will look exactly like Jennifer Aniston in the 6th series of friends. She will look exactly like the photograph that she is going to show you on her phone. In the meantime Debbie, and Saoirse, and Samantha and meself we're going to head out the back for a cuppa and a wee fag break. You'll be grand Katarzyna, not a bother on ya. See you later, girl. And...erm... good luck! [exit stage left, and right, and back] 

Mimi liked the haircut she got done yesterday. And if she likes it, I definitely like it. And there were no tears (despite my fearful predictions). She has yet to experience that haircut that opens up the floodgates of uncontrollable rivers of tears. She's a good kid. With realistic expectations. Also, she is a spitting image of Jennifer Aniston in season 6 of Friends. 

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