Snow Day

For the first time ever my school was closed due to snow. Even better was that I found out before I had even left my bed so I was able to really enjoy a snuggly long lay in bed.
Cathie and I then went swimming with Hannah, Amy and Bridget at BA. It was beautiful. :). 2.5
Amazingly the cafe was open so we enjoyed brunch together.
Once home I changed then took Scout and Jodie out for a play in the snow. I only forgot one thing….when Jodie is there Scout cares about nothing else! :/
I just went back to BA with them as the snow there was good and it was amazingly quiet. We spent 2.5hrs walking around the different fields and playing in the snow. :)
And my boots remained dry and cosy inside! :D
Finished the day with the first Harry Potter movie. Fell asleep just as Ron ‘sacrificed’ himself in the chess game. Haha!

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