Oh Oh....!!

I’ve had a good laugh at this....hubby took this photo with the query....!!??? Is the washing up liquid not enough..???
Well I thought it was a grand ‘handy place’...to drain out my empty wine bottle..!!!
We now have a large glass recycling bin that is collected 4 times a year...it’s very useful...
It’s been a day of very changeable weather...showers of really heavy torrential rain...so loud at one stage it frightened Mel lashing off the skylight window..!
Then lovely sunny spells...the temps weren’t low but it felt cold.....March living up to its name of ‘many weathers’...!
The extra shows how my tulips were beaten down by the rain...!
I spent the afternoon baking...!

13th March...Quote..

Eat Well, Your Body Will Thank You....!

This is true...and I try to most of the time...!!!

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