Relaxing in the living room

A grey, overcast day today, but at least it didn't rain. We visited Poplar Children's Centre and got some details of local children's groups. I'm going to take them along to some. Then we walked up to Mile End Park and visited the play area there. It was a good one, and Orla was most impressed. We walked back along the Regent's Canal towpath, spotting lots of ducks and moorhens along the way. I intended to go for lunch in a local cafe/library/community drop-in place, but it's closed on a Monday, so we just headed back to the flat. After lunch we took the DLR to Stratford, intending to go to the Discover Children's Storytelling Centre. But guess what - it's closed on a Monday too! So we ended up in John Lewis in the Westfield centre as I had a couple of things to get anyway, and whiled away the rest of the afternoon in the cafe. On our way home, we saw a boat going through the lock on the canal. Orla watched the whole thing, cheering the poor guy on. She's been funny today, she makes going round London a more pleasant experience. She says hello to everyone and tries to strike up friendships with any children she meets. We were waiting to cross the road today and she held her hand up to stop a white van. They did stop, and waved us across the road!

And Conor of course makes people smile just by looking impossibly cute.

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