Langstrath and Rosthwaite Fell

Yesterday the rain thwarted us. Today it was snow. We set off from Rosthwaite for Great Crag and Grange Fell but were defeated by heavy snow which obliterated the route just to the south of Dock Tarn.

We beat a retreat and emerged out of the oak woodland just as blue skies appeared and the sun came out. It was pleasant then to sit in the sun looking north towards Borrowdale and south up Langstrath.

Having been defeated by the weather on Great Crag and Grange Fell we decided to at least crack Castle Crag, the lowest Wainwright by far.

The view from the top was exquisite both north and south. A snowstorm was scudding across Derwentwater adding drama to the scene. On our way down we were caught in that storm and pelted by ice pellets.

Despite the disappointment of not achieving our original objective it was a grand day out and both fells will still be here next time.

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