A time for everything

By turnx3

Canada goose amidst the clover

I didn't have a very good week last week on the exercise front, so I have good intentions for this week. Late morning I went to the "Y" to swim - it felt nice and refreshing, since the temperature was supposed to get up to around 90 F today - a good 15 degrees above average. On my way back home I stopped off in Pioneer Park for a blip. It was quite a picture around the pond as there were several clumps of iris in flower, but in the end I decided I hadn't blipped a Canada goose recently, so he could be my blip star for the day!
I hadnt had the news on during the afternoon, so it wasn't until Roger returned home from work that I heard about the devastating tornado in Moore Oklahoma. The pictures are heartbreaking - it looks like a war zone. My heart goes out to them.

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