Happy Grandma!!

Em sent me a delightful Grandma card that arrived early!  She knows I love Pooh Bear and piglet!  
A good day even though I feel very tired now!  Started with washing machine load, some dusting and general clearing up as the digital group was here.  They all turned up and we watched one of the May 2022 summit lectures.  A very interesting one by Glyn Dewis - Fast fixes in Photoshop: It was very interesting.  An excellent tutorialist! Some things we knew and had done before and some not.  It was about an hour and then we broke up as we each had other things we had to do!  

Then I pottered about in Photoshop making another card for a birthday etc.  I had just turned the computer off and was about to go and have some food when my daughter from CA texted me to see if I was joining the art group!  I had worked out time equivalence wrong and thought we would be starting at 7 rather than 6,  No it was 5:00!  So I grabbed some cold pizza from the fridge and a drink and joined.  We had a lovely two hours.  I used acrylics for the first time in  years.  So it's part of my blip today!  Conversation with B who, I discovered, was making a sumptuous fruit salad for tomorrow!  I had forgotten she had volunteered!  We will be 7 for lunch if all goes well.   Time to have an early night!

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