Great variety

NZ school teachers were on strike today so Lincoln and Elliott spent the day with us. We had a great day. We continued our monopoly game between outings. This morning I went for a walk with U3A so Wayne took the boys for a similar walk and a play. We started by visiting the beach briefly because we were too early for the walk. My walk was a bird spotting trip,  I was amazed by the variety of birds I had never noticed. The yellow dot on the stream in my photo is a yellow hammerhead. It was beautiful. On the way home I saw a dachshund walking near us so o pulled over for Elliott to pat it. He said it was the best part of his day. When Elliott is an adult he wants to own a dachshund, time will tell. After dinner Elliott and I completed a map of NZ puzzle. He had quite a good knowledge of the locations. 

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