horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Bit of an odd day off. Apart from not being able to shake the stress of wondering what is probably going wrong at work, heading out in the car through the local village we saw an old lady stumble and fall onto a low garden wall, legs dangling one side, body the other.

I stopped the car, and on jumping out she was still in the same position. She was struggling with breath, couldn't answer me, as I tried to make sure it would be safe to move her. She managed enough breath to let me know she'd just been trying to go too quickly.

At least there was consciousness and a voice. I encouraged her just to gather herself until she felt ready to try moving, and we then got her sitting on the wall. At this point someone came walking down who, in a moment of coincidence, turned out to be her neighbour from across the road.

With that I was able to get exactly where she lived (just round the corner, only 150 yards or so, but too far for her to manage), so we drove her round, and made sure she was in safely. Her neighbour was going to the local shop, but said she'd check in on getting back, and would call her sister (the old lady insisted that wasn't necessary, but the neighbour mimed to me that she was going to do it anyway).

Good deed for the day done, there was a cracking Dim Sum lunch in Edinburgh, but save for in those two moments (when a different stress took over, and when eating was a pleasure) I've not managed to shake the feeling that 'something' is wrong.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to relax!

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