Work all day. The mud is awful everywhere but it a day of pootastrophes. One of the dogs Tommy found some fox poo and had a good roll. I ran over and tried to shoo him off and ended up having to stand on it to stop him- so he just rolled on my foot instead!! Then he went through the hedge and wouldn't come back so I had to go through a gap further up and he was busy eating poo :0/. (Unsure what variety) Oh my god he stank!!! Then when I collected Missy for her walk she decided to do a poo in the van on the way. Then trod it into the towel in the crate. What a day! 

Just did the horse basics tonight- no riding because the weather was awful and I didn't have my waterproof. 

Finally got hold of the guy who's doing my horse box reno's. Unfortunately it's not going to be ready for this weekend as he's having some trouble with the fibreglass at the front and is having to cut it out and refill it. Fortunately he has one I can borrow for PC this weekend. 

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