Bloomin' heck....

It's happened again!

I was staring into space hard at work yesterday, when this woman burst into the shop with the most enormous bouquet.

'I'm looking for a Susan' she announced. 'Do you have a Susan here?'

'We do,' I replied, 'Any particular one?' (I like to have these things clarified.)

She looked at the card attached to the flowers and added my surname to the question....'Do you have a Susan Cailleach here or not?' (You can tell she was a charmer, can't you.....)

'That's me,' I said, helpfully. But she wasn't convinced - I obviously don't look the type to be getting flowers regularly.

'Are you sure?' she asked, in a rather suspicious tone.

I checked my name badge just in case, and then verified that I was indeed the Susan she sought......and reluctantly, she handed over my flowers.

'I've been to four different branches of your pharmacy, looking for you,' she said huffily, and flounced off, before I had a chance to tell her that she'd delivered flowers to me in exactly the same place only two weeks ago.....

So to my mystery benefactor, thank you so much once again, for your delightful generosity, but if you ever repeat it.....make sure the eejit in the shop writes down the address properly first!

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