Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Thursday — Annual Tax Appointment

This is the man, the CPA, who annually prepares our tax return. There is nothing exciting or interesting about this photo; simply it documents a moment each winter when we are taking care of business; doing what responsible adults do. Thankfully Bill is extremely knowledgeable and he’s actually a lot of fun to talk to about money, gold, and just about anything that’s mentioned and bowls of chocolate candy are accessible all throughout his office complex.

So we made the drive to Irvine this morning and now I am feeling the tremendous sigh of relief that we, actually I, have accomplished the horrendous task of preparing for and getting us to this appointment.

I’d like to report that we don’t owe the government anymore money, but I guess I forgot to pray for a miracle. So we’ll pay some more tax money, as if we haven’t already paid enough, and then we’ll stamp this task “Finished.”

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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