Bukal Crew
Strava Day 652.
*Somehow completed Strava's March 5k run challenge today but it was a combination of walk/hike and run plus several pauses.
B left early to shoot for EJ Penolio (Pro photographer who I haven't worked with in the past but often gets B as an extra shooter in his wedding shoots). T is currently enjoying his second cousin's birthday celebration in a nearby resort. Intentionally left him there to enjoy.
In the extras are other "Silly Saturday" options:
Bob with a Face plus hair (T said his girl classmates "donated" their hair for Bob) and T wearing the goggles I bought for him at a nearby department store.
When I saw Bob with the Face plus hair yesterday:
P: I'd love to feature Bob in tomorrow's blip for Silly Saturday.
T: But Bob isn't silly!
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