Jumbled message!

Took himself to the boat jumble sale in Ardfern.  The place was jumping more so inside the hall. I was happily wandering around thinking by all the Home Counties accents that i had been transported to Middle England!  Then himself sidled up and whispered in my ear that seeing it was Mother's day tomorrow, if i saw anything in the hall  i wanted he would pay for it!
Seriously! Did I really really need an odd sized 10 welly or a rusty chain in my life or could i not survive without a bloody mango slicer!!
Mango slicers  seem to be  de rigueur in Ardfern. 
What happened to chocolates or a useless bunch of flowers!
But then what did I expect from someone whose idea of pillow talk was saying he needed new CV joints!
Happy  Mothers day to you all when it comes.

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