
By PixelChristi

Clamshell lighting

First of all - can I thank you all for your responses, faves, stars and subs to my 200th blip yesterday. In all honesty I didn't even realise it was my 200th until I saw the comments. I might have tried a little harder if I'd known!

I've got a few jobs on in the next few weeks ( a good thing, if a little scary ). Which is why I'm being a little tardy with my replies right now.

One thing I've been asked to do is to take some "simple" passport shots on Friday. Except the restrictions imposed by dear old Gov are quite infuriating. I hate nothing more than "vague specificity".

What shade of light beige is correct? What if my grey background is either 4 or 11% grey instead of the 5-10% stated? How the heck do I measure that in a perceptually objective manner? What have you got against white backgrounds??

Anyway - after loads of research and with thanks to the wonderfully dependable Strobist, I've got the setup I need sorted.

After I did a test print and assured myself it could be done, I thought I'd take one of those bog standard test shots of The Kid and see what I could do with it in post. The lighting set up, is simple, effective and very, very flexible when you get the shots into LR and P/Shop..

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