Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Fill 'er up

I like doing fill-the-frame shots and I've been meaning to dump out my jar of buttons and do this for a while.  And since nothing else was inspiring me today...I'm filling the frame with buttons!

Had a nice FT visit with my parents this morning, both of whom are fully recovered from the recent cold (which was one of the worst colds they have ever had!). The weather in OR is starting to turn towards spring so they've been getting out during the week and enjoying breaks of nice weather.  

Our temps were chilly and blustery today so I skipped the walk and just spent some time out in the yard with Jax instead.  We got him a doggy soccer ball to see if that would prompt his herding instincts but he seems lukewarm on it.  He prefers to haul branches out of the woods and chew on them instead of all the fancy, expensive toys.  Oy!

We are heading out for an early dinner with some friends tonight - haven't seem them in a while so will be nice to catch up. And I think I may splurge tonight and have a burger!  And definitely something dark.


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