Busy Bee

This is the cake that was in the Aga when I blipped last night. It has a white chocolate icing in the centre and I've topped it with a chocolate mascarpone icing and then lagged it in cocoa powder.

The cake is gi-huge. I've given away a block to my friend Joani, H has heroically eaten a fair bit and there's still probably 20 portions left. I haven't tried it - the thought of white chocolate icing makes my knees go square. I'll either take it up to Ma or stick it in the freezer for when G gets here on Sunday *does a very excited Mummy dance*

I also made a chocolate and beetroot cake today. Ignoring the fact that I really shouldn't ever be in the same room as beetroot because I always end up looking like an extra from Casualty no matter how far apart we are, the cake looks very nice indeed. All soft and squidgy. Not unlike me in fact.

However, H says it has 'a bitter taste' (she knew about the beetroot, I should've kept that quiet... never knowingly eats 'weird stuff' ) and I think it has an earthy back taste. So not a massive hit here, but that doesn't mean that other people will not enjoy it.

In other news... the pub phoned and ordered 300 chilli biscuits and a dozen scotch eggs for tomorrow night so that is very pleasing. I might do a batch of Bad Boy Biscuits with extra chilli in for the macho element and see how they go down.

Plus I've managed to catch up with typing up the things I've done so far and am now hoping for lots of donated recipes arriving to keep me busy. If you have a lovely recipe you'd like to donate please please do!

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