
By bandparent

Mono Monday

We can't seem to shake Winter, as these two photos around my house illustrate. We need a little happiness - and today is International Happiness Day!

History of International Day of Happiness
International Day of Happiness has a truly global history regarding its creation. Back in 2011, the idea was introduced to the United Nations by the advisor Jayme Illien. Illien also founded the United Nations New Economic Paradigm project and 'happytalism,' which aim to change how nations approach economic growth by focusing on 'happytalism' over capitalism.

The General Assembly of the United Nations agreed with the proposal and officially founded the International Day of Happiness in July 2012, with the occasion first being observed in 2013. The celebration acknowledges how vital and desirable happiness is to people everywhere and how essential it is that happiness is incorporated into public policy.

International Day of Happiness is celebrated and hosted by various organizations, including Action for Happiness,, and the United Nations. Through these websites and social media, people can share inspirational stories about what makes them happy, how their happiness contributes to those around them, and how it can pave the way toward a better future.

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