Guess What

.... it's raining again!

Another grey wet one.   Another day feeling ugh.   At least this was a more restful day.   A few chores, a little admin, took Jamie and Clara out for cuppa and cake before she caught the train home.  A short outing with Meg in the rain where we saw primroses and in Rhydyronen station yard, the evidence of tree surgery necessary because of Ash Die Back.   You can see in the extra pic, the black heart which in some of the cuts extended over more than half the wood.   This central decay weakens the branches, making the trees a significant danger, especially in public areas.   Sad to see so many old friends gone, Rhyd-y-ronen roughly translates as Ash Ford.   This one would have been a small sapling when I was born but few ash trees remain from the many I remember when I was a boy.

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