Time to dig out the old stuff

John came to see me in the afternoon - he's a keen film photographer and he'd asked me (a few weeks ago) what cameras and lenses I still had.  The Minolta was mine and the Yashica's were Ann's.  What you don't see here is the bags that were on the floor, which belonged to my Dad - a bag of Olympus lenses and camera and a Medium format camera.  These were the ones that John took to try, which left me with the ones on the table.  

Chatting via video to GG , she did some looking up of the lenses in the bag and it would appear that one or two probably have more value than I'd assumed - I'm not sure about the cameras though.  She wondered if some of the camera club might like to try them out as most of them have wider F stop settings than is common on cheaper lenses now.  I'm not sure that any of them are really that techie (well apart from John).  I've got a micro 4/3rds adapter for the OM lenses - the question is do I buy one for these lenses?  I think the 50mm macro for the Minolta had an interesting write up but how many lenses can you use?

I missed my Sunday blip - I think I was having a grey-mist kind of day (or few days).  I've not been at my best for the last few days.  On several occasions I've thought that I was developing a cold but then the main symptoms disappeared within a couple of hours.  I actually did a Covid test before John came as his wife is vulnerable which was negative.

The most significant event on Sunday was our monthly get together of our Yorkshire Creative Group on Zoom.  It's always inspiring to see what other people have been doing.

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