Oddball things!

Our local junk shop antique shop!. Where else would you find an African ceremonial stick beside an old cruisgean lamp!
Loads of really weird things too be found there.
Interesting incident in the village the other week.
A bloke was apparently housing stolen dogs for someone  while the "someone " found buyers for said pinched dogs.
Anyhow a potential buyer of a hot dog ( a sausage dog) I  kid thee not, couldn't find this individuals house so the bold boy put his location on a well known social media site. Unbeknownst  to hot dog  seller, the owner of said procured dog spotted the house location pllus what looked like his beloved pet!
Now the next part of the story may have grown arms legs and tails, but rumour has it that an unknown individual blasted a hole in the guys patio door and managed to rescue his dog. 
Certainly the police  mostly with guns were all about the place so who knows!! However I will endeavour to find out if this tail has a happy ending or not! Watch this space. 

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