Rainy night after seeing Allelujah

Fareshare was good in the morning.  As well as all my printing and admin jobs I was asked to research a few recipes for celeriac.  We have a lot to send out, but not much take up.  Turns out even the people who work at Fareshare don’t know how to cook them! So I found a few inexpensive recipes that don’t use much gas. I love it just mashed with butter and black pepper:)
Went to see Allelujah in the evening - it’s from a play by Alan Bennett, script by the woman who writes Call the Midwife, and has a truly stellar cast. About a geriatric unit in Wakefield - themes include - what good care looks like, NHS cuts, facing up to dying, the concerns of relatives.  It was almost really excellent.  Something awry I just couldn’t put my finger on.  Certainly worth seeing. 

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