
By Ams121

Garden day :)

Today we spent the afternoon in my friends new house, her back garden is attached to a field with cows in it, which I have to admit is pretty cool, especially for her little man who's nearly 2,
There was a few of us there, my best friend came back from uni after now she's finished her 3 years at the weekend so she was also there, and another friend Jess who also has a little boy was there too. Another one of my friends also just moved into her new house 5 doors down, so herself and her two children also joined us! It was so nice to just sit and chill in her garden and watch and pat the cows!! Actually made me a little jealous of their brand spanking new houses!

Hope you all had a good weekend, my little girl was poorly this weekend and we ended up in a&e (turned out to be a reaction to the jabs she had on Friday, and she's all well and back to her normal self now thank god)

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