It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

First Ladybird of 2023

My first proper day doing macro this year. Bit of a struggle as I hadn't done any macro for about 7 months or more. Several things I forgot about and my eyes need to get back into manual focussing again.
After a lovely afternoon at my friends place I started my drive home to have a white van drive past and kick up a rather large stone which has buggered up my windscreen.
Already having a chip on the left side this bugger was massive and straight in line of vision. I might not have been so bothered but we need my car to go away with in a few days. 
I can't get a replacement windscreen till the 5th April!
It made me scrunch up in the driving seat as it sounded like a brick came through it. Gave me the shakes a bit.
Its just typical of my bad luck. I was so happy I had a day of no allergies and got some lovely bugs and then Bam!!!

Ho hum


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